Day Running Lights - Using PIC-12F629
PCB Design
The Day Running Lights for Car Front Lamps. (P-MOS Transistors compatible for cars, where the Lamps are controlled By +ACC (Positive Voltage).
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Note, You can get This Amazing project for a really Symbolic price!
It took many hours to be developed.
PCB Design includes Schematics and Connected to SCH Fully Routed PCB.
Ready For Postprocess Export (Drill & Gerber Files) and then to produce PCBs.
You Need to develop your own program!
Any Firmware isn't included!
Used Microcontroller: Manufacturer: Microchip -> PIC-12F629.
Use Internal Analog Comparator.
For LEAD Acid Accumulators
Programmer's Tip: Use internal Reference Source & its Calibration, for precise detection of 13.2 Volts. (This threshold Level is selected as a good point in The State Machine).
Over This Voltage, It Points the Charging State of the Lead ACID - Working Vehicle Engine.
Zip File Content: Altium Designer PCB Project.
Original Design maiden By Hardware Expert
Copyright Protected 2019 Do not Re-Sell This Product!